8:00AM - 5:00PM
Monday to Friday


The WajeBots® are digital workers that can be deployed in a non-disruptive manner into business operations to automate and transform the execution of business processes. It achieves this by eliminating low-return, high-risk, manual, data entry and mundane processing work. WajeBots® transform the way in which you connect to your customers, by creating a new digital you.

WajeBots® brings together the principles of RPA+AI+ Cloud Computing to offer a unique software solution that is designed to automate the execution of business processes in order to augment, replace, or digitize manual work processes. With our digital workforce capable of self-learning and continuous improvement, your business process owners have the ability to automate hundreds of transactions while returning hundreds of millions of hours of work back into the business—freeing them up to create, build and share their innovations.

WajeBots® close the digital transformation gap by automating processes and creating new ways to bring your services and customer engagements into a digital world – we call this process transformation. With this platform, we ensure that you meet the demands of your customers, while you get more out of your legacy systems and cut your costs. To enable businesses transform their processes, we offer a full suite of services, tools, and insights to support your journey through the intelligent automation life-cycle; starting from process discovery, process documentation to solutions deployment and post installation support.

Leverage our expertise to build your IT Solutions on
Automation(RPA & AI) Cyber Security Cloud Computing Software Development Network Support

Benefits of WajeBots®

They can work 24x7 with highest accuracy at lowest cost; no vacation, no sick leave and no coffee breaks. They can complete task by themselves or finish one initiated by human.

They totally eliminate errors and so can serve as early means of fraud detection.

WajeBots® are highly scalable meaning you can add more robots on a click during peak hours of your business.

They generate full audit trails for each process to help you achieve process compliance and reduce business risk.

You can realize the impact of WajeBots® from the day you adopt it. For example, businesses that have adapted WajeBots® notice between 30–70% reduction in the process turnaround time when compared to before.